Welcome, and thanks for visiting. TMPC is a local Presbyterian Church located on the beautiful Tamborine Mountain in the Gold Coast Hinterland. We welcome folk of all ages and backgrounds and invite you to come and check us out. Our ServicesI'm NewOur Services
We gather Sunday by Sunday, to praise God for who He is and what He has done, learn more about His plan for this world and our lives, and encourage each other as we seek to live for Him. Anyone and everyone is welcome at either service.

I’m New
What if I’m new to Church?
We are friendly and user-friendly! We don’t make assumptions or have any expectations for visitors other than seeking to make you feel welcome. If at any time you have questions or are unsure of what is happening, please feel free to ask one of our welcomers or those seated around you.
What time should I arrive?
We meet every Sunday at 9am and 5pm. Most people arrive a few minutes prior to the start time to find a seat and get settled.
What will Church be like?
Each service runs for around 60-75 minutes and includes singing, a time of prayer, reading from the Bible and a Bible talk explaining its relevance for our lives today. There is a time to chat over food and drink after the service.
How should I dress?
Whatever clothes you’re comfortable in!
Are children welcome?
Of course! Children are welcome at both our services. Our 9am service has a Kids Church during term time and the 5pm service is designed to be very family friendly. All our leaders are trained and hold a Blue Card.
Are the facilities accessible?
Yes. TMPC is wheelchair accessible through the front doors and we have wheelchair accessible toilet facilities.
But what if I’m not a Christian or Presbyterian?
TMPC includes regulars and visitors from all sorts of Christian and non-Christian backgrounds. We will explain what happens during our services and there is no assumed knowledge.
Find out more about TMPC
Finding Us
We are centrally located on the picturesque Main Street. There is plenty of on-site and street parking
34 Main Street, Tamborine Mountain

Get in Touch
You are more than welcome to get in touch and ask questions or provide feedback. Fill in the below form, send an email to any of our staff or give us a call.